Live Your Best Life
As our lives are growing faster and more reflexive, our best bet would be to self-improve. We live vicariously through the stars and models that we follow on social media. It easy to consider some personal perspectives that we’d like to improve.
The journey to self-improvement isn’t a paved one because its different for everyone but some basic guidelines can steer anyone in the right direction. It doesn’t matter where you start, just as long as you do sooner than later.
The following list is comprised of suggestions and examples that can inspire you to be the best version of yourself and learning how to put your best foot forward.
1. Put your phone down and read a book
We get so wrapped up in reading the latest tweets that we often forget the beauty of the written language. So, put your phone down and dive into that book. Take your book of choice and a snuggy and a warm cup of tea and let your eyes do all the work. You’ll probably get tired sooner than reading from your phone screen. Its okay to indulge into that restful state. Your body will thank you, later.
2. Create and inspirational work space in your home.
If you’re impatient like me and constantly need to be moving things around in your home; why not make this a construction rampage? Give yourself a moment to plan out what you will use your space for. Once you have that, shop for materials around your house. That side table that no one really uses or that couch that no one sits on or that chair in your room that just collects half worn clothes and put in your creative space. Even if it’s not the exact way you imagined it, it could become a work in progress and you will feel a sense of accomplishment.
3. Get better at something you’re already good at
Sometimes finding a new hobby can be stressful. Take something you already do on your free time and get better at it. For example, if you like going to the gym, join a class and show off your stamina. Usually, the people around you are already doing the same thing and maybe you can meet new people and encourage each other to be better.
4. Write a letter to your future self
With life moving so fast, sometimes time can get away from us. Sit down for a second in the above mentioned inspirational work space and write yourself a letter explaining your current situation. The things that make you happy and the things you’d like to change. Maybe, even make a list of all the things that are currently making you happy. Seal the envelope and put it at the bottom of your nightstand. Set a reminder one year from the date of the letter in your phone and when it finally reminds you take a seat and read it and see if those same issues and reasons are still valid. You might even surprise yourself.
5. Copy the people that inspire you
They inspire you for a reason, right? Follow their lead and do what they do. If they’re famous, they’ll never know you wear pink on Fridays just like them because it inspires them to stand out of the crowd.
6. Let go of the past and and negativity
Think about all the things that are currently bothering you and either drop them or change them. Consider letting go of the past that seems to control your future moves. No one likes dead weight. You’ll thank yourself later when the weight finally feels lifted.
7. Kick yourself out of the comfort zone
Some experts say that if you do something consistently for 22 days it will become a habit. Try committing yourself to a 30-day challenge to do something, anything that will get you active and moving. If anything, you showed dedication to something other than your struggle and that’s an accomplishment in itself.
8. Face your fears
We all have something that terrifies us. Shockingly, the number one fear in the USA is fear of public speaking. Challenge that fear and join Toastmasters an international organization that trains people in public speaking. Check out the Toastmaster clubs nearest you here.
9. Be kind, be sweet
It costs nothing to be kind. Consider volunteering in your neighborhood/ beach clean up. Consider also visiting a nursing home in your local area. Grandma’s and Grandpa’s need some attention too. Play a round of checkers or just sit with them and let them tell you a story. You’ll be surprised to learn that they dealt with the same feelings of unease at some point or another.